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Giulia Finotti Aka Iuliss alla 37^ di Sanremo Trend 2024



– Released June 17 2022 (1st single): Fake Friend

– Released July 22 2022 (2nd single): Toxic

-Release July 28 2023 (cover):

Pictures of you

-Release August 18 2023(cover):


-Release November 17 2023 (Single):

Face of Lies

-Release February 15 2024 (Cover):

All I Want




Giulia Finotti aka Iuliss, cantante, cantautrice e performer italiana, 27 anni, Iuliss

ha spinto la sua arte in un nuovo emisfero, dai confini della sua camera da letto al grande.

Studi come la Bliss Records Corporation (etichetta Eiffel 65). Dall’inizio della sua carriera

ha usato la musica come uno sbocco per liberare le sue emozioni.

I testi delle sue canzoni  spesso trattano temi come sentimenti profondi che si riflettono su di lei.

Iuliss crea un paesaggio sonoro in continua espansione. Unendo elementi di pop, rock e

Musica elettronica per creare canzoni piene di emozioni.

A metà del 2022 Iuliss inizia a pubblicare i suoi primi singoli chiamati “Fake Friend” e

“Toxic” raggiunge più di 120.000 stream su Spotify nel primo mese.

Nel 2023 invece,Iuliss ha rilasciato diverse cover in chiave chill su Diepgraven Records e Soave,raggiungendo quasi 1 mln di ascolti.


Short story of the songs:


Fake Friend: talk about broken friendships, friends who turn their backs

on you in a difficult moment. It tells how difficult it is to start over alone and how

much falsehood exists in friendships that we consider true.

Toxic: born a te the 2nd writing camp in Austria with global rockstar

with Conan Mac and KAJ we all together wrote about the toxic persons that

sometimes we have around us. Especially we don’t understand that’s something we

are in a relationships very Toxic, and that’s can bring us in a bad vibes on our life.

So this song will be for all the toxic people I have cancelled from my life

Face Of Lies: is about challenging time with fake friends and my decision to stay true to myself. I share how difficult it is to find genuine connections in a world filled with deceit,yet I am committed to maintaining honesty,even when relationship become complex.






